You may have placed an order without creating a customer account.
In this case, you can use the following form: (from Switzerland)
We will first request your order number starting with C........... followed by 11 digits as well as your surname and the postcode or email used for billing.
By clicking on Request a Return, you will be taken to the returns form. If you have more than one item to return, click on "Add an item", otherwise click on "Submit".
Once your return has been authorized, you will receive return instructions by email.
- - - Do you still need help? - - -
Can't access the form?
Check that you have entered the last name and postcode exactly as it appears on your order confirmation, taking the billing address.
Can't find the return instructions ?
- Check the status of your return. To check whether your return request has been accepted, simply click on the "Returns" tab that appears at the top of the screen and then on "View return"
- Please note that the return label is only available in France. For other countries, please follow the instructions here to return your product.
- Please note that in case of a defective product, our after-sales service will contact you to propose a suitable solution and an exchange will be proposed if possible.